The Certified Heroes are getting there own webcomic/graphic novel along with a full length soundtrack to read along to! There will even be an illustrated novel version released. So whatever your prefered medium, you can enjoy the adventures of Techno-Cat and the Certified Heroes!
Behind the scenes:
Book one is already well underway, with most of the hero costume designs nailed down after years (I'm not kidding) of revisions, meticulous thought and effort.

Here are some of the many variations it takes to get to a final design:

Most of the characters' themes are already made up for the soundtrack. Here is a preview of a piano version of one of the main themes:
And I have the whole trilogy planned out (as well as various prequels and spin-offs). So all in all, this superhero story is well on its way!
Here is the synopsis for book 1:
In a city overrun by supervillains, superheroes are nothing more than a myth...
... or so you've been told.
Teenage Roy Ravens has been keeping his neighborhood safe under the identity of the fun-loving urban superhero Techno-Cat for some time now, but receives absolutely no recognition for his deeds.
Techno-Cat's whole world is turned upside down when he is approached by ex government agent Samantha offering to clear his past vigilante record if he joins others in forming the first-ever certified hero team.
Entering a whole new world of adventure and mystery, Techno-Cat must train with a colorful cast of unique vigilantes including Flamestrike, Electri, Blastpunk and Kinetic Woman on a mission to free the city from villainy's ever-increasing grasp and prove that superheroes really do exist.
When a theatrical new villain and army of shape-shifting robots rise up to center stage with a plot to infiltrate and take over the entire world without anyone noticing, it's up to Roy and his slightly dysfunctional team to uncover the conspiracy, set aside rivalries and learn what it truly means to be a superhero with a close family. Oh, yeah, and save the city.
Techno-Cat, Flamestrike, Electri, Blastpunk, Kinetic Woman. Together, they are the CERTIFIED HEROES.
Here is a sneak peek excerpt from the comic script:
"Did my parents die, motiving me to become a hero? Nope; my life's not that dramatic. Do I have an angry news anchor yelling about me to the city? I wish. Was I bitten by a radioactive cat? Yes, but that was completely unrelated and doesn't have to do with anything. My powers are completely attributed to my tech... which is short for techno... which is short for technology... which is the actual version of the word."
Check out my other story, a clean viking portal fantasy:

"Unbegotten Tides" is a serialized fantasy story I write, illustrate and compose original music for. With artwork inspired by the likes of Legend Of Korra and music inspired by The Legend Of Zelda, new chapters are released for free!